Monthly Archives: February 2023

Lisa Podell Presents at The Rankin Insitute

It is an honor to speak at The Rankin Institute each and every year. The theme remains the same: Ways parents can model executive functioning skills for their children. However, each year I update and refine the details based on what I’ve learned as an educator and a parent. This year I added a new segment on how to get present before jumping into a task that requires focus, patience, and attention, like this 90-minute talk I was giving to 50+ participants.

The next time you or your child are transitioning from one task to the next and it’s important to bring your full attention, consider the following:

  • How can I eliminate distractions in my physical space?  (silence your phone, close your laptop, and distance yourself from other people’s conversations)
  • How can I eliminate distractions in my mental space? (write down the ideas or stressors that are cluttering up your mind)
  • Increase focus (3 deep breathes, jumping jacks, push-ups, something that gets you out of your head and into your body: increase that heart rate!)
  • Create calm (3 deep breathes, 1-2 stretches or yoga poses, listen to relaxing music)